editing of the filmed show : Déjà Vu ? Contes contemporains

The narrator sees an imaginary old man lying at the foot of a wall. From this fugitive vision, he keeps a strong impression of déjà-vu that prevents him from continuing his path. He will dig his memory and appeal to his imagination to try to fix the story of this man.

These absurd stories speak of what our society does not want to see, what we can not understand. The imagination and the dream form a structure on which come all these matters, like so many black flakes of a world in negative. The actor embodies images, he tells, he mimes, he parodies. He wants to finish his story, just like us, we want to know.

I made a 50 minutes editing of a representation of this solo show. The choice of black and white highlighted the narrative and the dark and unreal world of these stories.