Headshot of Patrick Forian, actor, stage director and pedagogue

Patrick Forian

Writer / Filmmaker

Stage director


From stage to image, from acting to dramaturgy, from photography to editing; I have been involved for more than twenty years in artistic practice and the development of cultural projects that I see as fundamental pillars in the evolution of our society.

Directing, acting and teaching acting have long been my main activity; today it is cinema and audiovisual which have become its body, with production, shooting, editing and calibration.

Looking to new opportunities, I am open to collaborations and to occupying positions in the performing arts, cinema and audiovisual sectors.

For any proposal for collaboration or for a request to provide an audiovisual service - shooting, editing, color grading -, welcome to leave me a message.

Watch my Audiovisual showreel

Watch my Fiction Films showreel

Watch my Director's showreel

Visit my Photo Gallery

to Patrick Forian website's photos gallery

Watch my documentary's trailer : The Teachings of the mask

Watch my shortfilm trailer : The Wounded objects